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waste the audience’s time
浪费观众的时间  detail>>
a waste of time
浪费时间  detail>>
waste of time
浪费时间 延误比赛时间  detail>>
waste time
浪费时间 损失时间  detail>>
a pure waste of time
纯粹浪费时间  detail>>
pure waste of time
完全浪费时间  detail>>
waste of time and resources, to
浪费时间及资源  detail>>
waste residence time
废物留存时间  detail>>
waste time and energy
费时费力  detail>>
waste time in useless regrets
在无益的悔恨中浪费时间  detail>>
waste time on insignificant points
时间花在琐碎的事情上  detail>>
waste time on trivialities
把时间浪费在琐碎的小事上  detail>>
waste time over
浪费时间于  detail>>
 n.  1.听众;观众;读者。 2.谒见;接见。 3.倾听;听取。  短语和例子   a larg...  detail>>
all in vain a waste of time and energy
白费事”  detail>>
don’t waste too much time talking
别浪费时间聊天了,无论如何我们得迎着困难上。  detail>>
i would not waste my time pursuing that
不会将时间浪费在这里 凡事总有例外300 如果是我的话  detail>>
a waste of
浪费  detail>>